10 ways to study smarter for exams

Exams are an unavoidable part of a student`s life. Preparing for an examination can be time-consuming and stressful. However, if you do some simple things before your exam time, you will be ready and confident to face anything that the exam throws at you. The tips and skills in this article will help you to get through your examinations. Besides, they will help you when … Continue reading 10 ways to study smarter for exams

Stay ahead of the game

Nose to the grind and over worked? Like most of you I spent my days in college working hard and juggling jobs to support my education. This can be stressful! not to mention having somewhat of a social life. There are things you can do to better control these variables. Stress management, organization, and a little thing I call Alpha Brain. While attending college for … Continue reading Stay ahead of the game